I spent a lot of time brainstorming Session 4 and preparing materials for Session 4 this week. As the user exits P.M. radio, he/she is brought into a real life space - a bedroom. The user will be able to control the viewpoint with left and right arrows on the screen and will be able to see the room 360 degrees. (The user is not able to move forward, backward or any other direction). There are many objects present in the room and the player can click on them and interact with them. If the user clicks on an object, it's magnified and presented as a pixel 3D revolving object. The whole room is like a mix between reality and the digital world.
One important object is the computer screen. There would be a link placed onto the computer screen and if the user clicks the link, there would be a browser pop-up that shows an actual p.m. website.
When it hits a certain time mark, the user will hear a sound of morse code, increasing in volume. The user's view is forced to turn to the door, now opened with a loud bam, showing two dark shadows standing in the bright light speaking in morse code. (The shadows are actually a representation of “parents” and the reason is connected to the content in p.m. radio)
(The p.m. website that will pop-up)
Then, after a short period of time, Session 4 will end and Session 5 will begin.
Because I need to shoot actual photos of a room I spent a lot of time staging it. I don't have a tripod so I became a human tripod.
These photos were taken when I did not finish setting up the room ( now i have the final photos). But this is to show the effect of the view changes.
Adrian and I discussed details in staging the room. He suggested to have low light sources and cold-colored lights to create the unsettling nighttime effect. The warm lamp I had is too cozy. I tried so the final photos have a cold-colored lamp and a bright white computer screen, and these lights illuminate just enough places in the room. I'm also contemplating on if I should have a smooth transition animation between view changes. I think they have different styles and I will try them out soon.