One thing that left me with a deep impression in this chapter is " Her panic was momentary, a
natural part of the process of growth. " I agree with this concept so much and I really like he describes it as "natural". I learned an ancient Chinese proverb when I was very very little, and I've always been keeping it in mind whenever I have a "big crash". It goes like this: " Failure is the mother of success". I believe this proverb corresponds with Pressfields' ideas.
Last week was a tough week for me because I was spending so much time on doing something that I thought I could easily solve but I couldn't. I spent an average of 4 hours daily JUST to debug the "simple" mechanics I was implementing in Session 4. I started to doubt myself and I even blamed myself for wasting time. I still feel kind of embarrassed at the code I wrote but now when I think about it, the whole purpose of my P.M. project is sort of just to learn. I never knew I could encounter so many problems and come up with all kinds of solutions if I doubted my ability in the beginning, so making mistakes and facing failures are inevitable and natural things to happen.
Whenever I face obstacles, I initially feel helpless and hopeless. I feel like I'm trapped in a blackhole. Another quote from this chapter enlightens me:" No matter how great a writer, artist, or entrepreneur, he is a mortal, he is fallible. He is not proof against Resistance. He will drop the ball; he will crash." I realize I am actually not alone in this at all. Everybody will definitely experience this feeling at some point. But if others can deal with it, I can too -- no matter what the solution is or how long it is going to take. I'm suddenly filled energy again.
Session 5 is going to be the biggest challenge in the whole project and I know I will run into many, many problems. However, I believe I have the capability of overcoming these difficulties.